10-02-2017, 11:30 AM
Alright, I just dead my second training session with deads. I'm using laughable weight I guess until I learn the form. Right around a 100lbs total. I asked a guy at the gym to show me the form but I'm not sure if it was right. I'm 6'3" and he was around 5'2" so I'm not sure if shorter guys line up different than I would. He told me to put my shins against the bar so my feet are completely under the bar. He said he likes to curl his big toe's in so It puts more weight on his heals Next the grip was under over about shoulder width apart just outside my legs. Look straight ahead and lift. I feel most of the pressure on my quads, hams, & lower back. Once I get to the top I pull my delts back and then lower kind of like the decent of a squat. Actually the lift and form feels a lot like doing a squat execpt the postioning of the bar. Any hints before I start increasing the weight.