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Hey guys im new to the board so please excuse any mistakes etc..

im coming back from three seperate partial ligament tears (shoulder,elbow and knee).
God willing i'll be back in the gym in about a month. Bascially i've never taken any andros, i've had great results from good eating and protien.

The only problem i have is that i have weak ligaments and tendons and my bones are realy low in density and are brittle.
Can u guys suggest any cycles for bones/ligaments? I would like to know side affects though cos i HATE excess hair growth and i have a weak liver.

I am an absolute newbie when it comes to prohormones or andros, but im not new to training. before i got injured i used to bech comfortabley 220lb, curl 110lb and leg press 800lb. So please take my request for info seriously. Im a nexbie to drugs but not to training.

Thanks for your time guys.
Well bro you do have alot to learn...welcome to the board it is a great source for learning new knowledge...I would say chill for now on the drugs especially after and injury and research to the fullest beofre you consider crossing over... Remember everyone reacts different to different things
Bro - I would speak to a sports doc to help you rehabilitate the ligs and bones. Dont over do it and make the poundage increases gradual allowing your bones to adapt. Get a good spotter.

AAS are not for you - they are BAD for ligaments even though some people think because some like winny thicken the tendons that makes them stronger - WRONG - they are thicker and more brittle since the make up and strength of the tendons is damaged by the roids. Also, AAS allow your muscles to get stronger MUCH faster than the ligs and tendons - so you are more likely to lift a weight that your tendons cant support then you are out the gym for months (at least).

those are good lifts bro you are doing well and dont push to get back to where you were too quickly - let the body adapt.

Eat a good diet with calcium etc and do weight bearing cardio too.

I dont think steroids are for you.
Hey man thanks for your time bro. both of your time is much appreciated.
do you guys suggest anything else for bones/ligaments/tendons?

Yeah bro already take the calcium (multivitamns and minerals) religously. I am very close to ordering some ipriflavone cos my old training partner said it worked for his bones.
your advice will be much appreciated.
once again thanks for your time brothers.
God bless you.
I won't recommend juice at this point but you should be doing high reps with less weight ( fail around 30 reps) to stress the muscle bellies without stressing the ligaments and tendons very much. About six weeks to two months of this and you will be ready to start dropping the reps and increasing the weight gradually until you hit the lower rep ranges ( 8-12) that are so effective for growth. This type of high rep routine will also increase your vascularity quite a bit if you aren't carrying loads of fat.
Originally posted by zoob
I won't recommend juice at this point but you should be doing high reps with less weight ( fail around 30 reps) to stress the muscle bellies without stressing the ligaments and tendons very much. About six weeks to two months of this and you will be ready to start dropping the reps and increasing the weight gradually until you hit the lower rep ranges ( 8-12) that are so effective for growth. This type of high rep routine will also increase your vascularity quite a bit if you aren't carrying loads of fat.

This is a VERY good plan for u. I would do this bro.
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil....'cause I'm the biggest, meanest, son-of-a-bitch in the place."

"People are always talking about getting motivated to go on a diet. Motivation is worthless. There's no way in hell you'll still be motivated after your 200th chicken breast washed down with plain broccoli. You have to be DEDICATED. Dedication is what remains when all motivation has left, and you can't stand to do more cardio, because you've read every magazine ever produced, you'd rather eat the ass out of a dead donkey than one more plain chicken breast, and your typical routine of thinking of sex every five seconds has been replace by food every 2 seconds. It's the DEDICATION that takes us to where we want to be." - Trop
Stan and Zoobs advice is very good!
hey man thanks again. you guys are great. if only people like you existed in London England. Peace.

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